Ceramic brackets

Ceramic brackets


Gabriela M.


DDS. Andreea Negulescu,


Ceramic brackets


Gabriela M. was diagnosed with Class 2, division 1 malocclusion, indicating a specific type of dental misalignment.



Dr. Andreea Negulescu, a skilled orthodontist, devised a comprehensive orthodontic treatment plan tailored to address the specific needs of Gabriela M. The primary objective of the treatment was to correct identified orthodontic issues and achieve optimal dental alignment.


Treatment Plan

The prescribed treatment plan involved the use of ceramic brackets for a duration of 1 year and 6 months. Ceramic brackets offer a discreet and aesthetically pleasing option for orthodontic treatment, providing effective correction of dental alignment issues. Under the expert care of Dr. Andreea Negulescu, Gabriela M. embarked on a personalized orthodontic journey aimed at improving both the function and appearance of her smile.