Porcelain Bridge Supported on Implants, Porcelain Veneer

Porcelain Bridge Supported on Implants, Porcelain Veneer


Lee C.


Dr. Alexander J. Marques


Porcelain Bridge Supported on Implants, Porcelain Veneer


The diagnostic assessment revealed a periodontal overerupted upper tooth accompanied by defective previous restorations, indicating a need for comprehensive dental intervention to address both functional and aesthetic concerns.


Treatment Plan

To address the diagnosed issues, a multifaceted treatment plan was devised, incorporating the following procedures:

  1. Porcelain Bridge Supported on Implants: A porcelain bridge supported on implants was recommended to replace the overerupted upper tooth, restoring function and preventing further complications associated with periodontal issues.
  2. Porcelain Veneer: A porcelain veneer was proposed to correct the defective previous restorations, enhancing the aesthetics of the affected tooth while ensuring durability and a natural appearance.

Under the guidance of the dental team and our surgeon dr. Alex, the patient followed a tailored treatment regimen aimed at restoring dental health, function, and aesthetics, thereby improving overall oral well-being.