Madalin Simion
Recomand ,totul foarte curat,și toți stomatologi de nota 10 ,sunt foarte mulțumit
Gabriela-Sabina Bulai
Am beneficiat de servicii calitative și de o primite călduroasă ori de câte ori am trecut pragul clinicii. Atât dentistii , cât și receptia își dau interesul sa ofere cele mai bune servicii pacienților și totodata se asigura de bunăstarea și confortul acestora. O sa revin ori de câte ori va fi nevoie.
Laura Geo
Tin sa i multumesc Doamnei doctor Adina pentru caldura cu care m a primit in cabinet si pentru profesionalismul de care a dat dovada.
Mirela Ozana
Recomand din suflet Sameday dentist !!!
Un cabinet dentar complex, o echipă de oameni extraordinari unde am avut parte de cel mai bun tratament/ implant dentar.
Vreau sa le multumesc p aceasta cale tuturor si in mod special Dr. Chirurg oro-maxilo-facil ,Alexandre J Marques pentru profesionalism,dedicare si răbdarea cu care raspunde tuturor întrebărilor posibile.
Mult succes pe mai departe,meritati din plin !!!
Stan Silviu
Tot personalul foarte amabil și profesionist!
Ana Maria
Recomand Sameday Dentist si in special pe Dr. Ramon Mateas.este o persoana calma, Iti spune tot ce urmeaza si are mana usoara.
Mihaela Oprisor
Recomand cu mare drag serviciile Sameday, mulțumesc doamna Dr. Ramona Mateas.
Mihaela Liscan
Cea mai buna experienta, cei mai buni medici stomatogi si in special medicul chirurg brazilian Alexander. Recomand cu tot dragul.
Ioana Hategan
Super multumita din toate punctele de vedere ❤️🙏 sunteti exact ce am eu nevoie !
Simona Bradac
A fost foarte amabili și mau ajutat enorm
Alina Berbec
Recomand aceasta clinică. Eu am rămas mulțumită.
Luana Hortenci
I booked an appointment and had to bring my two months baby with me. The dental nurse Andrea was so kind to hold my baby whilst the dentist was doing the procedure. This was a HUGE EXTRA SMILE and I have no words to describe how happy I was. Patricia was very professional as well and I really appreciated their job today. Five star dentists!
My first experience with SameDay Dentist today was great. Dr Adina and her assistant were wonderful, really patient and took the time to explain everything and make me feel comfortable. She did an amazing job. Definitely recommend!
Tara Mangan
I had a root canal which was done by Mr Mihnea Pinkilie who was very patient and understanding as I was nervous about the procedure. Throughout the treatment he checked in with me to ensure I was comfortable and it was a painless experience. I cannot thank him enough and I would recommend same day dentist to all. Thanks again, Cecelia Mangan.
Ginno Jimmy
Starting today, I'm not scared of the dentist at all. I did not imagine that it could be so easy and I had 3 extractions. The staff is very friendly and kind. Thank you very much everybody.
Vanessa Rojas
Thank you Daniel for the amazing service provided, explained very well and gave good tips for my daily oral routine. Easy system to make bookings. I would definitely recommend it.
The doctor and his team were very professional and attentive to my concerns and would take their time to achieve the results i was after. I would highly recommend SAME DAY DENTIST to anyone looking for quality treatment.
Muhairwe Andrew mataze
My dentist Dr Alexandra was extremely good at explaining whatever was going on with my teeth after the check up. I look forward to coming back for further reviews in future. Thank you
Ewa Kacka
Dr Adina is always very friendly, cheerful, professional and very experienced.
I can recommend the dental practice to anyone 😉